Sacagawea and Jean Baptiste. |
Sacagawea's baby Jean Baptiste Charbonneau was born on the expedition. He was born on February 11th, 1805 with the help of Lewis. Sacagawea wrapped Jean Baptiste onto a cradleboard, strapped him on her back and they began the journey to the coast. The first part of Jean Baptiste's life was well documented in the journals of Lewis and Clark. Clark really liked Jean Baptiste and called him ''Little Pomp'' which means ''Leader''. After the expedition, Clark offered to help Sacagawea raise Jean Baptiste and give him an education. Sacagawea took him up on the offer and brought Jean Baptiste to St. Louis in 1809, when he was four years old. By the time Jean Baptiste was eighteen he was living in Kansas City, then he moved to Germany for a little while to learn the language and helped a Duke with his studies. In 1829 Jean Baptiste was back in St. Louis working as a fur trapper. Jean Baptiste had a few different jobs throughout his lifetime, most were outdoors; hunting, fishing, guiding, and many others. The gold outbreak hit when Jean Baptiste was sixty one, he packed up his belongings, and went to go find his fortune in Montana. He never made it there though, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau died of pneumonia along the trail of Danner, Oregon.